Dear beloved readers
Thank you for sticking with me and for all the love I got on e-mail 🙏 - in fact I even gained a few subs this past 1.5 months.
So the newsletter is still in hibernation but things are more back to normal now here. In short, a pregnancy with complications ended up with my 2nd son being born about 2 weeks ago. Everybody is good and back home again after some weeks in the hospital — so that’s good.
The newsletter is still in hibernation for the primary reason now that I’m pondering what to do with it. Don’t worry, there will be an answer to this soon.
Apart from just wanting to pop my head up and say I’m ok, then I wanted to share this great piece of music with you which I think encapsulates the vast majority of what is wrong with public climate action today.
IMO it’s one of the most underrated bands ever these days: Kid Kapichi. Their lyrics even if you’re not into their hard hitting punk rock they usually do (although this is a ballad) portrays our current state of society flawlessly. Their new song above should in my mind be the war song of the climate movement. Listen above.
While it refers to the current scandal of UK PM Boris Johnson’s “COVID party” it really talks about how politicians aren’t doing shit. Scientists get it. People get it. But politicians still act like nothing’s wrong. In the mean time they live for their own rules. It talks about “playground rules for old school friends” which is a line that reminds me so much of trillions of dollars in subsidies these people pay of our tax money to the most hurtful and polluting industries in the world while at the same time let those companies into “working groups” to figure out how to solve the crisis without forcing those same industries to reduce their emissions. In Denmark this recently became so clear after one of biggest polluters Aalborg Portland (located in the city of Aalborg, the same city that our PM grew up in) got a bit discount on their carbon tax (discount of 70$ pr tCO2 in 2030) while at the same time everybody else have to pay in full (110$ pr tCO2 in 2030).
“Cause it’s one rule for you and another them!”
So yeah listen to this song and stay tuned for more news regarding Weekly Climate.
Thanks! 🙏